2 min read
| 8 Apr, 2022 |
Written by Manuli Kaluarachchi

Set up Rooster with Social Media Advertising

Is candidate sourcing a problem for you? Have you tried using various job boards, headhunting agencies and everything in between that usually results in very little actual hiring? We get it, we’ve been there ourselves.

After much trial and error, we’ve found an approach that not only works but also lets the employer have a certain degree of control as well.

It’s a lot less traditional but has helped organizations make recruiting much more cost-efficient and reach high-quality candidates.

Does the sheer magnitude of a candidate pool help?

This is essentially a no-brainer! The more eyes you have on your job post, the more likely you are to find candidates. It makes perfect sense to use the largest watering hole that has yet existed in modern-day society. Social Media!

Is everyone looking for a job?

Job boards are constantly viewed by candidates that are actively looking for a job. However, those that aren’t actively looking don’t really keep an eye on these boards.

If you’re an organization that has something more to offer, even to those that aren’t actively looking, social media ads give you an opportunity to reach them.

Instagram and Facebook have sophisticated targeting features that allow us to reach audiences that have the same careers interests. However, once your ads are in front of thousands of willing eyes, your inbox is going to be bombarded with a ton of inquiries and CVs.

You can avoid this mess of a ton of CVs and emails by linking Roosters ATS to these ads. This way, the influx of CVs will automatically be sorted and organized in your Rooster Applicant Tracking System.

Let’s take a look at how we can set these ads up along with Rooster’s ATS. Check out our blog posts on how to set up your ads:

How to set up job ads on Facebook/Instagram

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