Fast, Simple & Affordable
Applicant Tracking Software
Hire great people, Streamline your recruitment processes

Streamlined recruitment workflows and hiring pipelines
Our fully customizable, kanban-style hiring pipeline function with automations built in, makes managing the hiring workflow a breeze. Reduce recruiter workload to focus on more important work, instead of repetitive operational tasks.

All candidate information and interactions in one place
Manage candidate communications, scheduling interviews and task management all on Rooster Hire. Work on Candidate profiles and collaborate on all hiring decisions — centrally organized in the database.
Set up a Careers page in minutes
Integrate the Rooster Applicant Tracking System easily with your careers page. Share it on our Job Board, visited by thousands of candidates, every single day.

Access Job Boards and candidate databases with qualified candidates
Get access to Rooster Hunt, a candidate pool with thousands of qualified candidate profiles that would automatically match with your requirements. Plus, all Jobs are populated on Rooster’s Job Board.
Make informed, data-driven recruitment decisions
With Rooster, benefit from a single source of truth. Drive better, faster-hiring decisions with our analytics dashboard.

Candidate Assessments to screen and evaluate candidates at scale
Rooster’s built-in Candidate assessments feature allows hiring teams to extensively evaluate candidates at scale and make informed hiring decisions.
Pre-recorded video interviews
Get to know your candidates and evaluate them before you meet them.

Over 2,000 companies are using Rooster Applicant Tracking System for their Hiring

“Integrating Rooster with our website only took 3 mins, I honestly was surprised."


“The automations are such a life saver. I've shaved hours off of my daily routine."

Hiring Manager

“With Rooster managing 1000 applicants is a breeze, which otherwise took 3 people.”


Sign up for Rooster ATS today!
Hire great people, streamline your recruitment processes and take your recruitment to the next level